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  • What is Eratani?
    Eratani is a start-up agri-tech company which focuses on building a strong agricultural ecosystem by digitizing the agriculture process from upstream to downstream.

    Eratani provides easy access to the farmers through technology to increase farming productivity and the welfare of the agricultural ecosystem.
  • What does Eratani do?
    Eratani gives easy access and solutions to farmers who experience difficulty during their farming activity. The access provided includes easy financial access, agriculture supply provision, farming education, and access to agricultural products distribution at standardized price.

    Through giving solutions, Eratani hopes to improve the agriculture ecosystem by #SelaluAdaUntukPetani for the sake of continuing the farmers’ steps in planting and maintaining food security.
  • What is the meaning of Eratani #SelaluAdaUntukPetani?
    Eratani is here to help prosper the local farmers by reinforcing the agricultural process from upstream to downstream by digitalization with the focus on strengthening the agricultural ecosystem.

    Eratani strives to provide easy access to the farmers via technology to increase productivity and improve the agriculture ecosystem.
  • What is Eratani’s business scope?
    Eratani does not only take the role as a funder, but also works through all processes in an agricultural ecosystem. Eratani digitizes the system from upstream, where Eratani provides financial support and supply chain management to the farmers, to downstream, where we help with the agricultural products sales and distribution.
  • What can you do with the Eratani mobile application?
    There are several things that can be done in the mobile application, such as registration, offering funds, and acclaiming agricultural production supplies.
  • How to register on the Eratani mobile application?
    Firstly, you can download the Eratani mobile application at Google Play Store.

    Secondly, make an account by filling out the name, phone number and password, and then pressing the “Register” button.

    Thirdly, after you make the account, press “Log in” and fill out the phone number and password again. At this step, you have been registered on the Eratani application.
  • Who can use the Eratani mobile application?
    The Eratani mobile application can be downloaded by everyone. However, only the farmers who have been registered as Eratani’s fostered farmers can directly use and enjoy the features of the application.
  • Who are meant by Eratani’s fostered farmers?
    Eratani’s fostered farmers are those who have officially joined as a part of Eratani. They will receive help from Eratani to increase their land productivity.
  • What are the benefits of joining as Eratani’s farmers?
    Embodying the value of #SelaluAdaUntukPetani, certainly, the farmers’ welfare becomes the main point of Eratani’s concerns and objectives. Eratani aims to provide solutions to the problems they face, including solutions to the environment, as well as to care for their well-being. Some of the benefits they will receive include access to financial support, access to raw materials and farming supplies, increasing knowledge on farming technology and processes, and access to agricultural products distribution at standardized price.
  • How to join Eratani as farmers?
    For further information, contact our Customer Support through email [email protected] or Whatsapp number +62 811 952 2577.
  • What is EraKios?
    EraKios are modern agricultural supply stores that join as a part of Eratani’s partnership program as a form of commitment towards #SelaluAdaUntukPetani. EraKios aims to help the agricultural supply stores to compete on the market through a continuous business empowerment and to be a one stop service point to serve the needs of farmers in Indonesia.
  • What are the advantages of joining as supply stores/EraKios partner?
    There are some advantages you will receive by joining as EraKios partner, such as:

    • Joining the Indonesian Modern Agricultural Supply Stores Community
      Being a part of the biggest network of modern agricultural supply stores community which allows its members to exchange knowledge and information to grow together to become even better suppliers of the local farmers needs.

    • Provision of high-quality agricultural supply stocks
      A support in the form of provision of the stocks, including original, high-quality agricultural production supplies from various types and brands. It helps the stores to provide the right supply according to the field needs.

    • Increasing sales through consumer expansion by Eratani’s fostered farmers
      Getting an opportunity to increase sales by providing the needs of Eratani’s fostered farmers who live around the EraKios.

    • Getting continuous assistance to be a modern agricultural supply store
      Getting continuous assistance not only in terms of stock provision, but also in the management of orders, employees, and finance in digital.
  • How to join as insurance partner for farmers?
    For further information, contact our Customer Support through email [email protected] or Whatsapp number +62 811 952 2577.