Revolutionizing Indonesian Agriculture:
Empowering Farmers through Agri-Tech Innovation
Eratani is poised to scale its operations and spearhead a transformation in the indonesian agriculture sector.
Farmers in the Ecosystem
Partnered KiosK
Managed Rice Milling Unit
+ Ha
Land Fostered
Our Coverage
With Eratani's innovative approach and commitment to sustainable agriculture, it stands ready to lead the way towards a brighter future for farmers across Indonesia.

Hectares Acquired Land
End-to-end Integrated Farming Solution
Eratani connects farmers with markets through technological innovation.
Agri Management
Providing funding access solutions for farmers through eKYC for financial institutions, as well as supporting farmers with access to knowledge and technology.
Agri Kiosk Management
Provider of high-quality agricultural inputs for farmers through partnerships with major suppliers and various local kiosks, creating a reliable and accessible distribution network.
Harvest Sales Management
A platform that connects farmers with partners, offering broader market access solutions at competitive prices through collaboration with local rice mills and warehouses.
Our Impact
Eratani has emerged as a pioneer, playing pivotal role in the Indonesian agritech startup landscape, dedicated to resolving pressing issues of food security, sustainability, and equality.
of our farmers are WOMAN
> USD 4 Million
facilitated to smallholders farmers
Increase in average monthly income for Erakios Partners
YIELD IMPROVEMENT Increment by all of our farmers
> 25%
INCOME UPLIFT for all our farmers
our farmers are BANKABLE
Success Stories of Eratani's Fostered Farmers
The Real Impact of Eratani on Indonesian Agriculture

We Are Orange Seal Certified!
An integral part of the Orange Movement inspired by the UN SDG 5, the Orange Seal recognizes organizations that show significant promise and dedication to advancing a gender-equal world. The Seal signifies that Eratani has substantially developed gender inclusion practices across their value chain, workforce, and leadership.
Our Esteemed Investors
Leading investors have placed their confidence in Eratani, supporting us in pioneering innovations and propelling the future of agricultural technology.

Our Achievement
Eratani mengukir prestasi yang mencerminkan komitmen dalam menghadirkan inovasi terdepan di sektor pertanian.

Pemenang Regional Edisi ke-10 ASEAN
Startup Awards

Finalis Top 10 One ASEAN Startup

Top 3 Agritech Terbaik di Dunia
oleh G20 Digital Innovation
Alliance tahun 2023

Excellence in Agriculture,
Companies, Best Post, Harvest
Technology AgriNext Awards
Dubai 2024
Our Valued Partners
We have partnered with financial institutions, government agencies, and private companies to build a sustainable agricultural ecosystem.
Partnership with Eratani
If you have questions about Eratani, requests for assistance, or wish to explore partnership opportunities, please get in touch with us.
Contact Us